The Mississippi Youth Council (MYCouncil) is made up of 10 passionate youth activists from across Mississippi who support and promote high-quality comprehensive sex education for all young people. We work to ensure that young people have a voice in the debate around what gets taught in our schools.

“I get to participate in lobbying. We get to participate in advocacy trainings. We get to participate in networking. We go to the capitol and talk to all of the senators and legislators. And it means a lot to me because I get to be a voice for those who can’t speak on the sexual health that we need in Mississippi.”Kimberly Davis, 2018-2020 MYCouncil member

MYCouncil Goals

  • Raise awareness among youth about the need for sexually transmitted infection (STI) and pregnancy prevention efforts for themselves and other young people in Mississippi.
  • Advocate for comprehensive sex education in Mississippi public schools and other policy priorities.
  • Empower other youth to get involved in their communities.

How to Apply

Join forces with MYCouncil. We’re looking for youth activists ages 15 to 21 from across Mississippi that support high-quality comprehensive sex education for all young people.

Submit Your Application

Stay Connected

Looking for more information about sex education that’s just for teens? Check out our resources, read blog posts from Mississippi youth, and stay up-to-date by following MYCouncil on social media.