It is important that all teachers and coordinators implement the CHART program and curricula with a high level of fidelity—that is, implementing without compromising the core content, pedagogical, and implementation components essential to the program’s effectiveness.

Tracking & Measuring Fidelity

To track implementation fidelity, completion of an implementation fidelity log will be required by teachers of both the middle and high school curricula. The log will allow both the school and the Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH) to measure the school’s programmatic success of implementation.

Entry and exit surveys will be used to measure program delivery and program structure. CHART will be evaluated based on national performance measures related to program implementation in each CHART school district. These measures will include:

  • Student participation characteristics and demographics
  • Implementation features and challenges
  • Program fidelity
  • Teacher perceptions of quality program measures and challenges

Complete teacher training manuals, including fidelity logs and evaluation checklists, will be provided to CHART coordinators and teachers during required trainings provided by MSDH.

contact Learn More

For more information on implementation plans, fidelity monitoring, and accessing these fidelity logs and documents, contact Kenyatta Parker at or call 601.206.1559.