Teen Health Mississippi offers specialized training and professional development to build the capacity of youth-serving professionals.Members of the cadre deliver in-person and web-based training and professional development to youth-serving professionals who work in a variety of different settings.

Events delivered by the training cadre will incorporate the distributive learning process and include tailored follow-up support for participants.

Distributive Learning Process


The cadre is made up of trained professionals working across the state with a wide array of experience and expertise.

Goals of the training cadre include:

  • Improve the capacity and comfort of sexual health educators to teach sex education
  • Train educators on evidence-based sex education programs
  • In the future, Teen Health Mississippi will offer a specialized sexual health educator certification for sexual health educators in Mississippi

We will update our trainings and events calendar as events are scheduled. Request a training for your site.

If you are interested in joining our cadre of trainers, please contact Patrina Williams at patrina@teenhealthms.org.


1 ETR. 2016. “Professional Learning Services.” Accessed on May 26, 2016. http://www.etr.org/ebi/training-ta/professional-learning-services/.