CHART Priority: 1

CHART priority levels (1, 2, or 3) are based on eight health indicators.

  • 5-year average (2018-2022) teen pregnancy rate for females ages 15-19
  • Most recent year (2022) teen pregnancy rate for females ages 15-19
  • 5-year average (2018-2022) teen pregnancy rate for females ages 10-14
  • Most recent year (2022) teen pregnancy rate for females ages 10-14
  • 5-year average (2018-2022) chlamydia infection rate
  • 5-year average (2018-2022) gonorrhea infection rate
  • 5-year average (2018-2022) HIV prevalence rate
  • 5-year average (2018-2022) syphilis infection rate

A county with significantly high rates in three or more of the health indicators qualifies as Priority 1.  A county with significantly high rates in one or two of the health indicators qualifies as Priority 2.  A county with significantly high rates in none of the health indicators qualifies as Priority 3.

Click on the link for more information about CHART and Jasper County.

District Adoption of Sex Ed Policies

School District Sex Education Policy Adopted Sex Education Curriculum
East Jasper Abstinence-Plus Choosing the Best
West Jasper Abstinence-Plus Draw the Line/Respect the Line & Reducing the Risk

County Teen Health Data

2022 Teen Birth Rates (per 1,000 females)
Age Group Jasper* Mississippi* US^ MS County Ranking (out of 82 counties)
Females age 15-19 44.5 26.4 13.6 14
Females age 10-14 0.7 0.2 0.2 12
2022 Sexually-Transmitted Infection Rates (per 100,000 residents)
STI Jasper** Mississippi** US** MS County Ranking (out of 82 counties)
Chlamydia 630.9 928.2 588.7 57
Gonorrhea 519.6 441.7 231.6 16
HIV 433.7 401.2 386.6 19
Syphilis 30.9 36.9 21.1 35


*Mississippi Department of Health; Mississippi Statistically Automated Health Resource System; Mississippi, 2022:

**Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. NCHHSTP AtlasPlus. Accessed 2024.

^Osterman MJK, Hamilton BE, Martin JA, Driscoll AK, Valenzuela CP. Births: Final data for 2022. National vital statistics report; vol 73, no 2. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. 2022.